• Mindset & Coaching

  • Executive Spaces & Meetings

  • Organisational Change

  • Leadership Development

Who and what we are?

Radicality is an ecosystem of trusted transformational service providers, brought together, curated, and business developed by myself, Garry Turner.

You can find out more about these trusted, transformation people and services on the collaborators page.

The four business areas that are covered by myself and the Radicality collaborators can be seen above: Mindset & Coaching, Executive Spaces & Meetings, Organisational Change, and Leadership Development.

There are three main ways to work together:

1) We can work together directly 1-1

2) I can connect you to appropriate transformational partners based on your specific needs

3) I can project manage and organise a team from the Radicality ecosystem to meet an agreed transformational brief (minimum Euro 1 million investment)

Radicality DOES NOT exist to make incremental changes or to move deckchairs on the Titanic as she goes down.

Radicality DOES exist to help you, your teams, and your organisation to radically remember and reimagine who and what you can be in the world, with less fear, with more impact, and with the active desire to reduce harm, whether known or unknown, resulting from your business operations.

In addition, there is a vision for Radical Community for those that operate within the global extractive supply chain.

Who is this for?

This is NOT what we were taught in school and is not what we are educated in workplaces.

It all starts with relationships.

Shall we connect and get to know each other?

Radicality is focused on speaking to CEOs, executive teams and senior leadership within the extractive industries as these are the people that have the most power, most access to institutional resource, and the most leverage to shift things for us all, yet they can also feel the most lonely, and at times the most afraid.

You may be a Managing Director, Chief Operations Officer, CEO, Head of Sustainability, Chief Human Resource Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Sales Director, or Chief Commercial Officer, whatever your role, you are welcome here, and I truly hope to ignite your curiosity whilst you are.

Whether you are looking for support with business model reimagining, leadership development solutions (including decolonial), regenerative learning & development solutions, mindset, integral and executive coaching, executive retreats, meetings and offsites, or support with decolonising your organisational design and development practices, or whether you are just open and curious to explore where we are imagining towards, Radicality can offer you a range of independent experts and practitioners that can meet such pressing, emergent, and business critical needs.

Unleashing human potential, reducing harm near and far away, and reimagining our mindsets and structures are all a key focus.

The change that we want to see in the outside world is actually going to be the result of the work we do inside of ourselves first and foremost, our teams, our organisations, and in our communities.

Possibility Expander | Garry Turner

I see my worlds work as that of a Possibility Expander, someone that operates at the intersections of International Sales, People and Culture, Equity & Inclusion, and Sustainability.

With over 25 years international business experience, over 20 years within the extractive global supply chain within chemicals, coupled with over 9 years of international learning, organisational design, and development experience, I have been on a personal journey of decolonisation of my own mind and understanding for the past three and a half years, a journey which continues today, and will never end.

My superpowers include authentic business and relationship development, systemic awareness and dot-connecting, super connecting humans across diverse sectors and role, and being an active model of vulnerable and compassionate leadership.

Outside of my daily work, I am a volunteer for the national Neighbourhood Watch charity, and I am also co-chair of the Dartford & Gravesham Green Party.

However much more than that, I am a husband to Jackie, doggy-dad to Winnie the (Cocka) Poo, step-dad to three incredible grown up children, and blessed to be ‘grumps’ (Grandad) to little Freddie.

I imagine worlds where Freddie and all future generations get the chance to become who they deserve to become, without oppression, without fear, without enforced division, and without coercion.

Those futures ARE possible, we have the capability, imagination, and accountability to reimagine anew, and that is what the ecosystem of Radicality exists to offer.

A diverse, pick n mix of transformative services to meet your current and emerging needs, yet delivered by each provider directly, independently or together, that choice is yours.

Whilst I personally offer Executive Retreats, meetings and offsites, 1-1 Thinking Partnerships, workshops and I am an International Speaker, it is the collective impact that will make all the difference and that collectivism, alongside YOU and your desire to leave a legacy that you and we can be proud of, is the fuel to embrace Radicality.

Are you ready to explore with open minds, and like hearts?

“Garry’s unwavering enthusiasm, his relentless and genuine ability to create the space for uncomfortable, yet emerging conversations is simply magical. He creates safe conditions for people to be vulnerable, has a natural capability to listen, process in real-time and articulate back to you exactly what needed to emerge within you as a path forward. Garry helped me clear my path, get rid of the noise, and help me focus on what needed to emerge in order for me to truly embody my life's work...”

Paul McCarthy, founder, CEO and author of F.I.R.E.D leadership

“Garry has extraordinary talent when it comes to helping individuals flourish. Garry and I worked together to explore and 'unpack' my fears, barriers to success and more. I've spent decades wanting to fulfil my purpose but continued to find ways, unknowingly, to sabotage that purpose. For the first time in my life I feel completely free of any chains. I feel incredibly connected with my 'self' and I am fully able to do anything and everything I want to do in life. Thank you so much Garry.”

Rachel Bishop

“Garry's support and approach to providing strategic guidance and a safe space for honest conversation and problem solving has been an absolute godsend for me. It was at the most perfect timing for me. I've felt a bit at sea through the Covid pandemic and really needed a talking partner to work through my ideas and get my direction clear and focus on myself and my own business and how that solves my client’s problems.

Whilst I'm busy with work I’m not giving myself the time I needed. The commitment and time talking through with Garry was invaluable. It's given me a clear understanding of what I am here to do, reminded me of the work I love doing, and given me an action plan to move forward and shift my thinking. It's not coaching or mentoring but uses those techniques to help you work through your thoughts. Deep listening and reflection is incredibly powerful.”

- Katie Marlow, Owner, Littlebird Communications