According to PwCs 2024 CEO survey, 21% of CEOs say “Their organisation will not be economically viable within 10 years on its current path” , surely no better invitation to step into Radicality?

Why should YOUR ORGANISATION step into Radicality?

Why should YOU step into Radicality?

Stepping into a Radical World

Garry was grateful to join Jose Leal and Matt Perez recently on their Radical World platform.

Below you can find out more about the ‘why’ that sits behind the Radicality ecosystem.

An invitation to reflect and see yourself in the following corporate personas

Note: These fictional personas have been created using a mixture of real-life people and behaviours that I have had, and/or currently, have interactions with, within and across the global extractive supply chain.

All artwork has been created by the incredible Brazilian artist Anna DeNardin. Find out more about her and her work at her LinkedIn page.

The change we seek ‘out there’, is very much ‘inside’ each one of us

The interconnected macro-systemic challenges of our time

Foodbank usage in the UK alone has sky-rocketed in an unhealthy, exponential way over the past 15 years


Over the same 15 year period, the valuations of the top 100 companies on the UK stock exchange are tracking at ‘all-time highs’, allowing for dips for the 08-09 financial crisis and COVID-19.


UK living standards are expected to fall by 7% over the next few years.

Despite the UK being a so-called developed country, we see mass extraction of wealth from the middle and working classes, and this is before we consider the impact of our Western business models on communities far from our shores.

Western neoliberal, ‘trickle-down’ economics aka capitalism is not working for the masses, it is only working for the few.


“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”

Albert Einstein

Is it time for something more radical in Western business and leadership spaces?


Believing or expressing the belief that there should be great or extreme social or political change


Illuminating new paths towards more generative futures

A vision for our shared futures

  • In addition to physical health & safety, spiritual, mental, and emotional safety are equally considered as part of the world of work

  • Mindsets and systems based on 'enough’ exist, with active focus on the reduction of harm caused by current Western business models on communities and life, near and far away

  • Healthier, connected, more just-focused work that makes us feel alive

  • Learning is predicated on continuous development and understanding as to mindsets and power dynamics

  • Leadership is bold, brave, humble, vulnerable, inclusive, and systemically aware

  • Organisations are designed for listening, learning, and the enhancing of life, not the reducing and erasure of it

  • Co-creation and radical reimagining across function and sector, increasingly on a commons basis becomes the norm

  • Community and care replaces hyper-individualism

A radically reimagined economy and radically reimagined work for the good of all.

  • Work that allows us to survive at best, and is oppressive and cancerous at its worst

  • Extractive industry organisations, especially big corporates, operate with oligopoly, and sometimes near monopoly, market positions meaning average performance still turns huge profits and systemic complacency

  • Disembodied (myopically 'above the neck') and often fear-based leadership in the majority of Western corridors of power (often unconscious/unfelt)

  • Environmental and social justice topics are a continuous feed, both on social media and in organisational corridors, yet any discussion of this is suppressed due to it being deemed ‘too political,’ favouring business as usual instead

  • Our Western system of capitalism is addicted to growth, accumulation, and resource extraction, at literally any and all cost

  • At the same time, we have to make money and put food on the table and try and keep a roof over our head

The reality of work and systems today

  • Western culture is doubling down on AI, digital, and other non-human interfaces as Western hegemony collapses (globalisation, politics, supply chains etc)

  • Humans are seen as literally disposable units of measure on an excel sheet

  • Degenerative, short-term, win-at-all-costs, competition

  • There is an awakening unfolding, accelerated since COVID, where people are are realising how unhealthy our conditioning has been since early education

  • The war in Gaza has opened many of our eyes as to the interconnectedness and harm caused by our outdated systems

  • People are talking about work-life integration, not balance - people want to feel whole and fully alive again

Mass disconnection to ourselves, to one another, and to the systems that sustain us are key root causes to the above

Expanding possibilities

  • Slow down, catch a breath, and reflect upon your personal and work impact, in new ways

  • Allow yourself to enter new brave, safe, uncomfortable, high-growth learning spaces

  • Remember and reclaim your inner self-worth, agency, and positive power

  • Unleash exponential human potential, creativity, and high performance within yourself, and those around you

  • Inspire reflection, review and reimagining of your role in the world, and that of your organisation

  • Connect to diverse, senior and executive peer groups that span sector and function

  • Understand and join interconnections between home, work and the world that have either been ignored, suppressed or avoided, or have been unknown to you until now

  • Allow a range of possible paths for new, positive impact to unfold for you and those that you serve

The change that you seek ‘out there’ is very much ‘inside you’

Are you ready to step into Radicality?

Vulnerability as a strength FREE webinar

If you have made it this far down the front page of Radicality, thank you! I sincerely mean that.

Radicality, this website, and indeed the vision that sits alongside it, has been ten years in the making, accelerated by the past three and a half years of my own personal journey into decolonisation of my mind and how I see and understand the world.

10 years ago I sat in my apartment wondering why despite having the car, the salary, the amazing wife and family, and all the trappings that I have been educated to aspire towards, I felt hollow. Empty. Spirituality bankrupt.

For some reason I got curious, and didn’t go down a mid-life crisis route, but dived deep into learning and development, invested in personal coaching, and transformed my relationship with myself first and foremost.

Developing my personal and relational vulnerability was THE critical bridge between staying stuck in 0.5-1X version of Garry or the 100X version from the inside-out that exists today.

Radicality is not just a personal development ecosystem, but also a space to learn, unlearn, and re-learn, and especially how to do that in community as whole-humans, and not just in parts.

My invitation and gift to you at this juncture is my webinar, Vulnerability as a Strength.

I invite you to hold any challenges or reactions that you may have as to the title until you click the title on the left or the link above, signup, and dive in.

I would love to talk to you after you go through it to share perspectives, challenges, and to connect?

22 books to help you step into Radicality

Example clients served